PSD2 Open Banking
Availability and performances reports
Quarterly reports on daily usage, performance and availability of dedicated interface, internet and mobile banking are available here.
If you want to call the Open API directly:
Swagger documentation:
API SwaggerNextGenPSD2 documentation:
Berlin GroupSummary of PSD2 API documentation:
PSD2 API DokumentacijaRegistration
You can register here for testing PSD2 solutions. After registration in TTP, an overview of the complete API documentation, API swagger and access codes of test users will be available, as well as the possibility of exchanging messages with the bank.
Data on TPP roles will be obtained by using information from the certificates with which the user is registered on the portal.
Information about the roles for which the TPP is registered is defined in the certificate attributes.
After confirming the registration, the TPP is registered in the bank`s system and an email is sent to him with an activation link. Clicking on the activation link creates a username and password that allow access to the PSD2 portal.